February 14, 2025

How heavy is a 100 kWh lithium b...

How heavy is a 100 kWh lithium battery?

To 350-600 kgisuals, the larger the battery, the more energy it can store and the more weight it will be. For example, a 6-12 kilowatt-hour (kWh) battery typically weighs between 100-150 kg, but a 60-100 kW battery ranges from 350-600 kg.

Will lithium be needed in the future?

As EVS and reusable batteries scale up, it is expected that by 2030 we will need 3 million tonnes of lithium worldwide.lithium battery cell machine

How long can a lithium battery last without charging it?

On an average of 2-10 years, most lithium-ion batteries can last between 2-10 years without charging, depending on how they are charged. However, this time frame can be short or long depending on a variety of factors, such as temperature, usage patterns, and storage conditions.

Who is the largest supplier of lithium-ion batteries?

CATL, based in China, is a major lithium-ion battery manufacturer with a market share of approximately 37% as of the end of 2023. Chinese company BYD ranked second with a market share of 15.8%, followed by South Korea's LG Energy Solutions with a market share of 13.6%.

Where is the largest lithium reserve?

Of the 26 million tonnes of global lithium reserves, Chile is home to the largest lithium reserve base with 9.3 million tonnes of proven lithium reserves, according to the US Geological Survey, published in January 2023. did. Australia ranked second on the basis of a lithium sanctuary with nearly 6.2 million tonnes of spare bases.

How to start a battery shop?

What are the actual investments needed to start a battery franchise?
1 pound to 2 racks - this is paid as a security deposit for the battery distributorship. > £25,000 for shop interior design and sign.
Other business expenses - £20,000.
Other items...

Is the lithium battery dead?

Over time, lithium batteries lose their ability to hold charge, and ultimately the battery becomes useless. The main reasons are the power consumption of the BMS (battery management system) and the overcharge of the battery caused by the self-draining of the battery.

Does Panasonic supply Tesla?

Panasonic offers Tesla lithium-ion batteries, providing industry-leading energy density and performance, allowing Tesla to build electric vehicles with high range and rapid acceleration.battery making machine

Is lithium a better investment than gold?

So, even if you want to take advantage of trends, a good lithium stock could be better than a typical gold mining stock. It is also a good choice from an ESG (environmental, social and governance) investment perspective.

How much is a 5000 mAh battery?

Our company is widely appreciated for providing a 5000mAh mobile battery. Price range: 100-600 per piece.

Posted by: mthtyuy at 07:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 453 words, total size 3 kb.

January 27, 2025

How to reverse fibrocystic breas...

How to reverse fibrocystic breast?

Fibrocystic Disease Treatment
Pain relievers.
Hormone medications for severe cases.
Applying a heating pad.
Wearing a supportive bra.
Changing your diet, such as avoiding caffeine.

Are fibroids caused by stress?

Become too stressed, and the spike in your hormone levels could encourage fibroid growth. Leading a stress-free life may not prevent you from developing uterine fibroids. It is estimated that 70 to 80 percent of all women develop these noncancerous growths between 35 and 54, with or without stress as a factor.

What oil helps lift your breasts?

Clove oil:

The use of clove oil showed positive effects with a breast lift. Carnation oil contains properties that enhance blood circulation, which helps maintain the elasticity of the breast. In addition, clove oil has anti-inflammatory properties that help treat mild soreness on the chest.

What does a fibroadenoma arise from?

Fibroadenoma arises from stromal and epithelial connective tissue cells that are functionally and mechanically important in the breast. These tissues contain receptors for both estrogen and progesterone.腸化生

What hormonal imbalance causes fibrocystic breast?

The exact cause of fibrocystic breast changes isn't known, but experts suspect that reproductive hormones - especially estrogen - play a role. Fluctuating hormone levels during the menstrual cycle can cause breast discomfort and areas of lumpy breast tissue that feel tender, sore and swollen.乳房纖維瘤

What are the symptoms of a fibroid in the breast?

Symptoms of fibrocystic breasts
A lumpy or ropy texture.
Breast tenderness or breast pain.
Dimpling of the skin (like an orange)
Nipple discharge.

What is a breast cyst filled with?

Simple breast cyst: Filled entirely with fluid, simple cysts are always noncancerous. There's no solid area in the cyst and the cyst wall is smooth. They make up about 90% of all breast cysts.喉嚨有異物感

How to reduce breast fibroids naturally?

Foods that contain certain vitamins may protect against fibroids and also increase the healthfulness of a person's diet. These include: oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna. foods rich in flavonoids, including berries.

What foods shrink breast fibroids?

Eat More Cruciferous Vegetables : Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel sprouts and kale. These vegetables contain a natural compound called indole-3-carbinol that helps in estrogen excretion by the liver and inhibit tumor growth.

Do breast fibroids need to be biopsied?

Some fibroadenomas are only found by an imaging test (such as a mammogram or ultrasound). A breast biopsy (removing some breast tissue to check it in the lab) may be needed to know for sure if a breast mass is a fibroadenoma (or some other condition).

Posted by: mthtyuy at 11:42 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 435 words, total size 3 kb.

January 21, 2025

How many lumens are in a 4 foot ...

How many lumens are in a 4 foot fluorescent bulb?

4-ft T8 fluorescent lamps emit approximately 3000 lumens. However, because it emits light in all directions, much of it is "lost" in the fixture. When replacing T8 fluorescent lamps with an LED solution such as LED strip lights, we recommend budgeting 450 lumens per foot as a direct replacement.

What is the LED equivalent of a 60-watt bulb?

For example, if you wanted to replace a 60-watt incandescent bulb, what wattage LED bulb would be roughly equivalent? Using the 7:1 ratio, simply divide 60 watts by 7 to get roughly 9 watts.2x4 led frame light

What is the best LEDs to buy?

Our Hands-On Review of the 8 Best LED Light Strips
Best Overall. Govee RGB 32.8-Foot LED Strip Lights. See It.
Best Bang for the Buck. Nexillumi RGB 50-Foot LED Strip Lights. See It.
Best TV Backlighting. Pangton Villa 6.56-Foot LED Strip Lights for TV. See It.

How many amps is a 2.5 mm wire?

25 AmpsThe 2.5 mm flex cable is at 25 Amps current rating and is BASEC approved. Meteor's range of available 2.5 mm heat resistant flex cables cannot be cut and are only available in 100-meter coils.

Can I use my TV as a digital picture frame?

If you want to use your smart TV as a digital photo frame, you can easily do so by downloading one of the many apps that allow you to display photos on the screen, like Amazon Fire TV or Roku. The first step is to search for a "digital photo frame" in your TV's app store.led linear lighting strips

Are LED bed frames safe?

Using LED light strips on the headboard or under the bed is generally safe, as long as specific precautions are adhered to. Here are some safety measures to follow: Ensure LED light strip quality from reputable manufacturers with safety certifications like UL or CE. Follow proper installation guidelines.

Why do LED bulbs not last long?

LED bulbs generate heat, and if they are not properly ventilated, they can overheat and fail prematurely. Overheating can also be caused by installing the wrong type of bulb in a fixture that is not designed for LED bulbs.

How do I choose the right lumens?

Let's recap how to gauge how much light you need for a space. Multiply your room square footage by the footcandle requirement. For example, a 100-square foot living room, which needs 20 foot candles, will need 2,000 lumens. A 100-square foot dining room, which needs 40 foot-candles, will need 4,000 lumens.parking pole lights

What happens when integrated LED lights burn out?

While it could theoretically last decades without requiring maintenance, product flaws and failures do happen. And once the LEDs finally expire (whether after decades or only a few years), it can neutralize not only the light source but the entire fixture into which it's embedded.

What is the brightest LED light?

300 watt Aries 3 E39 LED Light Bulb: This is the brightest Light bulb made. It has almost 40,000 lumens with a high efficiency of 138 lumen/watt. It also provides 360 degree lighting and is ideal for replacement of 1000 watt HID/HPS/Metal halide or CFL fixtures.

Posted by: mthtyuy at 08:29 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 544 words, total size 4 kb.

January 10, 2025





PMA是Positive Mental Attitude的縮寫. 它是成功學大師拿破侖·希爾數十年研究中最重要的發現之一,他認為之所以人與人之間會有成功與失敗的巨大反差,心態起了很大的作用. 積極的心態是人人都可以學到的,無論他原來的處境以及他自身的氣質與智力怎樣.



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職能治療的對象包括生理,心理及社會功能障礙,發展遲緩,學習障礙,老化或社會文化環境不利等. 職能治療專業人員針對個案的生理,心理及社會功能以訓練,提昇,同時並運用環境改造,副木及輔具,工作簡化,以及工作強化等方法,來幫助個案能夠執行有意義的日常活動,以維持其身心功能,並預防功能之退化,讓每個人都能夠過著有品質的生活.






目前港大醫科課程為6年制. 港大醫學院早前公布課程改名為「內外全科醫學士140課程」,新增「傑出醫科學人」,達標醫科生除可選5年制課程,另一路向是6年完成內外全科醫學士和醫學碩士,經一年實習後,可獲得醫學院獎學金攻讀世界知名大學博士學位,畢業後有機會加入港大醫學院擔任臨牀助理教授.

pi 甚麼意思?

形式發票(Proforma Invoice)是一份寫有所銷售貨物名稱,規格,單價等信息的非正式的參考性發票. 簡稱PI. 它是應進口商的要求,由出口商開出的. 顧名思義,形式發票不是正式發票,沒有任何約束力.醫療用品公司


A:1. 適用統一發票的藥局,如果涉及健保給付,包括健保自負額部分,均屬於社會公益性質服務,不用開立發票,直接開收據給消費者即可.樂齡科技產品


強制住院期間,不得逾60日. 但經二位專科醫師鑑定有延長之必要,並報經審查會許可者,得延長其強制住院期間,惟每次以60日為限. 強制住院期間,嚴重病人病情改善無繼續強制住院必要者,指定精神醫療機構應即為其辦理出院,並即通報衛生局.醫療用品店

Posted by: mthtyuy at 09:01 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 05, 2025

What is stage 2 liver damage?

What is stage 2 liver damage?

Stage 2 is liver fibrosis or liver scarring, caused by chronic inflammation. Scarred tissue begins to replace healthy tissue, which reduces how well your liver functions. Liver scar tissue also reduces blood flow to your liver. Stage 3 is cirrhosis of your liver, caused by severe liver scarring.

Can I pee before a liver ultrasound?

You must have a full bladder when you arrive at the clinic. Make sure you drink four eight-ounce glasses (960 ml total) of water or juice 75 minutes before the exam and don't urinate. Do not eat fatty food in the morning (muffins, eggs, cheese, sausage, bacon, butters made of peanuts or nuts, butter or margarine).

How do you know if your liver is fatty or not?

metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease can happen without causing any symptoms. Blood tests and imaging tests, such as a CT scan and ultrasound, can help diagnose it. Losing weight and making other lifestyle changes can help control and even reverse this disease.

How long does a liver ultrasound scan take?

Unlike an X-ray, ultrasound does not use radioactive waves. The procedure is very safe and should not be painful, and takes around 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Before the scan you will be asked to uncover the top of the right half of your tummy (below your ribs, which is where your liver is) and lie on your back.

How does your body warn you that liver disease is coming?

Early symptoms of liver disease tend to be vague. They might include: Upper abdominal pain. Nausea or loss of appetite.經常頭痛原因

What is a safe liver count?

ALT levels higher than 29 to 33 international units per liter (IU/L) in men and 19 to 25 IU/L in women may be a sign of liver disease. The average range for ALP tests is 44 to 147 IU/L. Higher levels may point to problems with the liver. The normal range for GGT levels in the blood is 9 to 48 U/L.

What is the nature of diagnostic ultrasound in the liver?

Ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging technique often used to diagnose and monitor liver diseases such as cirrhosis, fatty liver, and cysts. It uses sound waves to create detailed images of the internal structures of the liver. These images can help provide a clearer and more accurate diagnosis.

How can I check if my liver is ok?

A group of blood tests called liver function tests can diagnose liver disease. Other blood tests can be done to look for certain liver problems or conditions caused by gene changes. Imaging tests. An ultrasound, CT scan and MRI can show liver damage.

How quickly can liver recover?

For people with liver inflammation or mild scarring, its possible to see significant reductions in liver fat, inflammation and scarring in just seven days of giving up drinking. If you stop drinking for several months, its possible to allow the liver to fully heal its damaged cells.

How to measure the liver on ultrasound?

Measurement of liver size in the largest craniocaudal diameter in the MCL during inspiration in a supine subject. Measured in the midhepatic line with a large field of view from the post diaphragm to the lower anterior edge. *Kratzer W. J. Ultrasound Med.肝臟檢查

Posted by: mthtyuy at 08:08 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 26, 2024



粉葵提醒各位女性,若因傷病需切除子宮, 就算年逾45歲也可申請勞保的失能給付! 現行生殖器失能請領規定已無年齡限制, 依據勞保失能給付標準規定, 切除子宮符合「生殖器遺存缺損者」定義, 失能等級為第12等級,給付日數為100日.


1. 全身麻醉後,病人可能會: - 因麻醉時曾插喉而引致喉部輕微不適或疼痛, - 出現麻醉藥的副作用,包括疲倦,渴睡,噁心或嘔吐,如情況持續或加劇,請通知護士. 傷口護理 1. 手術後數小時內,病人可能會感到子宮攣痛. 2. 陰道滲血及分泌可長達7天,此乃正常現象.



不同於子宮肌瘤是較硬的肌肉纖維組織,子宮息肉是由子宮內膜組織的間質細胞形成,觸感較軟,但同樣都會造成異常出血. 當病人因異常出血就診,醫師會以內診,超音波檢查子宮和卵巢的構造,若發現疑似肌瘤,息肉或囊腫的肉塊,會再進一步以子宮鏡檢查,切除,同時送病理化驗以確定類型,是良性或惡性.小陰唇整形修復手術



(二) 胃鏡檢查:利用胃鏡在幽門附近作切片,再以特殊試驗(快速尿素酶試驗)或是以顯微鏡直接觀察. (三) 細菌培養:利用胃鏡在幽門附近作切片後作細菌培養,比較耗時且培養不易(敏感性較低). 臨床上用來檢測幽門螺旋桿菌對抗生素之敏感度及抗藥性.

HPV 可以生育嗎?

Q7: 預防HPV會影響生育能力嗎? A: 世界衛生組織(WHO)表示現時沒有數據顯示預防HPV會影響生育能力7.深圳藥物流產



子宮外孕 子宮會變大嗎?



術後6~8週內避免提重物及進行粗重工作,以避免骨盆腔充血. 2個月內避免騎機車,騎腳踏車,游泳,久坐久蹲及劇烈運動.




12.每天至少清洗外陰部一次,並觀察有無分泌物及其顏色,量,氣味. 13.大小便後,使用生理沖洗器,由前往後方向沖洗,以防感染. 14.術後6-8 週內避免提重物,跑步,爬樓梯,久坐久站,蹲著,騎腳踏車及骨盆腔劇烈活動. 15.術後適當的散步運動,可促進血液循環及消化吸收.

Posted by: mthtyuy at 08:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 53 words, total size 4 kb.

November 11, 2024

Can only the sink be replaced as...

Can only the sink be replaced as kitchen utensils?

It is possible to replace only the sink body, and the material of the barrel body is not expensive, but since the sink is located under an artificial marble countertop, it is necessary to lift the countertop and pull out the sink, which makes disassembly and assembly difficult. ! The barrel body and countertop are formed in one piece and must be cut before disassembling the countertop, and can be glued and polished to make the joint invisible. You can request a quote from a European kitchenware retailer.

What are the best colors for an Indian kitchen?

10 Coolest Kitchen Color Combinations in India
Neutral brown and white. ...
Black, white, wood. ...
Green and orange. ...
Shades of blue and green. ...
Red, gray and brown. ...
Yellow, blue, green. ...
Pastel colors. ...
Black and orange. This bold combination is perfect for those looking for dramatic and unique color in their kitchen design.
Other items...抽油煙機推介

Why do people like open concepts?

The illusion of more space

This openness creates design continuity from one room to another and lets in more natural light. When creating multipurpose rooms with little separation, rarely used spaces, such as formal dining rooms, are eliminated and repurposed for better use.

Does open plan add value?

Large multifunctional spaces are still preferred over a few small rooms, so open-plan living can definitely add value in a variety of settings. According to Nationwide research, increasing floor space by just 10% can increase overall value by 5%.

How do I cover an open kitchen?

How to hide an open kitchen
The first method is to create a serving window. This will make it easier to manage your kitchen space. ...
Glass doors are another way to separate your open kitchen from other spaces in your home. ...
Another option is to install a folding divider.

What are the three major accidents in the kitchen?

Read on to learn how to prevent this problem in the first place.
1 – Cut your hand when slicing a bagel. ...
2 – Slipping in spilled liquid. ...
3 – Skin contact when cooking with chili peppers. ...
4 – Scratches occur during washing. ...
5 – Get burned.

Should I put things on top of my kitchen cabinets?

It's perfectly fine to decorate the tops of your kitchen cabinets just for show, but there's valuable space there that could be used to store items you don't use often or don't want your kids to get their hands on.

How can you make your cabinets look expensive?

7 Inexpensive Ways to Make Your Kitchen Cabinets Look Expensive
Upgrade your cabinets: Paint your cabinets a fresh color. Photo courtesy of Cabinet by Design. ...
Cabinet Upgrade: Install brushed brass accents. ...
Cabinet Upgrade: Brighten the back of your cabinets. ...
Cabinet Upgrade: Add Temporary Wallpaper. ...
Cabinet Upgrade: Install under-cabinet lighting.

How do you decorate your kitchen?

To decorate your kitchen, buy some fun fridge magnets or place a vase of fresh flowers on your counter to brighten up the atmosphere. Additionally, incorporate different textures by choosing interesting curtains and wall hangings that add contrast and dimension. 廚房裝修設計

What is the correct construction order?

What will be the order of construction? Construction order refers to the main work order when constructing a building. A construction order typically begins with marking, excavation, foundations, framing, brickwork, roofing, flooring, and finishing.

Posted by: mthtyuy at 12:42 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 582 words, total size 4 kb.

November 05, 2024

Which surgery is very painful?

Which surgery is very painful?

Studies have shown that orthopedic surgeries, or those involving bones, are generally the most painful. But researchers also found that some minor surgeries, or even those classified as keyhole or laparoscopic surgeries, can cause significant pain.

Which surgery is more painful?

Table 2.
Treatment N Severe pain
Cataract surgery/vitreous surgery 61 [1] 3 (5)
Tendon, bursa, fascia surgery 57 15 (26)
Bone surgery 57 12 (21)

How can I prevent coughing during surgery?

For adult patients undergoing intranasal surgery, multidisciplinary interventions such as local anesthesia with ropivacaine before intubation, administration of dexmedetomidine after intubation, and remifentanil infusion after surgery before extubation significantly reduce cough at presentation. , it was safe. vsh獸醫

Why do I cry before surgery?

It's natural to feel anxious before a scheduled surgery or procedure. You may be worried about being given anesthesia, feeling pain, and leaving your home. Some people may also be worried that the surgery won't work or that it will take a long time to recover after surgery.

Who was the youngest person to have surgery?

Akrit Jaswal He performed his first surgery at the age of 7 when most children were busy playing with dolls and guns!!

What happens if I cough during surgery?

Coughing is the body's natural reflex to expel excess mucus from the respiratory system, so coughing during surgery can cause increased mucus production. Coughing during surgery can also cause respiratory complications after surgery, as it can cause irritation and inflammation to the airways.

What are the rich parts of Hong Kong?

The Peak

Topping the list is The Peak, an upscale residential area located at the highest point on Hong Kong Island.

How long should I rest after surgery?

Get enough rest

For major surgeries, it is important to stay in bed as much as possible for at least 24 to 48 hours after surgery. Depending on the surgery, additional bed rest may be required. If you feel tired, try to sleep and move at a slower pace than usual.

Was Laura possessed by BOB?

Laura asks Leland if he intends to kill her, but Bob appears and tells Laura that he intends to possess her. Mike tracks Leland/Bob to the train, but when Ronette tries to let him inside, Leland punches her unconscious. Mike manages to throw Teresa into the ring. When Laura wears it, it prevents BOB from possessing her.

Is chiropractic surgery painful?

Although you may feel some discomfort after plastic surgery, it is very manageable and the pain can quickly disappear during the recovery process. Pain level is also subjective, as many factors influence the amount of discomfort you experience after surgery.

Posted by: mthtyuy at 03:07 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 447 words, total size 3 kb.

October 31, 2024

Is soy good for kidney patients?

Is soy good for kidney patients?

Choosing soy protein (such as tofu and soy beans) and other vegetable protein sources instead of meats may mean a lower risk of kidney disease for people with Type 2 diabetes.同珍王賜豪

Is pork healthy yes or no?

Pork is a rich source of certain vitamins and minerals your body needs to function, like iron and zinc. It's also an excellent source of high-quality protein. Minimally processed, lean, fully-cooked pork eaten in moderation can provide certain benefits when added to your diet.

What does chu hou paste taste like?

Chu Hou sauce is the southern Chinese version of bean paste 豆瓣醬 (dòu bǎn jiàng). Chu Hou sauce is smoother in texture and has a stronger soy sauce flavour. It's a good sauce to add when braising or steaming meats. Since it's thick, it can also help bind marinades to meat when marinating.

Is there sugar in black bean sauce?

INGREDIENTS:Water, Sugar, Rice Vinegar, Black Soya Beans (6%) (Black Soya Beans, Salt), Soy Sauce (4.5%) (Water, Salt, Colour: Plain Caramel; Sugar, Soya Bean, Wheat, Alcohol), Onion, Garlic Purée, Cornflour, Rice Wine, Ginger Purée, Rapeseed Oil, Black Pepper, Five Spice (Cassia, Fennel, Ginger Powder, Star Anise, ...同珍王賜豪

What is the best seasoning to put on fish?

The Best Herbs & Spices For Seasoning Fish
Basil. Lemon and basil are a match made in heaven! ...
Parsley. Parsley is a perfect addition to pan-fried fish, with a slightly bitter aroma that can balance savoury dishes. ...
Dill. ...
Lemongrass. ...
Rosemary. ...
Thyme. ...
Sage. ...
Smoked Paprika.

How to thicken soy sauce without sugar?

For soy sauce, I would suggest using corn starch or rice starch instead. Corn starch is always added to a cold liquid and then gently warmed, while using flour as a thickener, most times it is added to a hot fat.

What's the difference between premium soy sauce and regular soy sauce?

Thickness: Regular (or light) soy sauce is thin and watery, but a premium dark soy sauce is much thicker and more viscous. This results from the longer fermentation process and the addition of other ingredients makers use to sweeten the sauce.

Can soy sauce be eaten raw?

Use and storage. Soy sauce can be added directly to food, and is used as a dip or salt flavor in cooking. It is often eaten with rice, noodles, and sushi or sashimi, or can also be mixed with ground wasabi for dipping.

Does soy sauce mess with hormones?

Soy is unique in that it contains a high concentration of isoflavones, a type of plant estrogen (phytoestrogen) that is similar in function to human estrogen but with much weaker effects. Soy isoflavones can bind to estrogen receptors in the body and cause either weak estrogenic or anti-estrogenic activity.

What is premium dark soy sauce used for?

Dark Soy Sauce has a hint of sweetness and more subtle in soy bean taste, as its main purpose is for its colour instead of taste. Add progressively whilst cooking until it reaches your desired deepness of colour. Adding a natural deep colour to dishes, such as stews and gravies; good also as braising sauce and in pies.王賜豪總裁

Posted by: mthtyuy at 12:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 536 words, total size 4 kb.

November 28, 2023

What is the difference between Cat.1 and 4G?

What is Cat.1?

The full name of Cat.1 is LTEUE-Category1, where UE refers to User Equipment, which is a categorization of the wireless performance of user terminal equipment under LTE network. According to the definition of 3GPP, UE category is divided into 15 classes from 1 to 15. The ultimate goal of Cat.1 is to serve the IoT and realize the purpose of low-power and low-cost LTE connectivity,lte cat 4 which is of great significance for the development of IoT.

What is 4G?

4G refers to the fourth generation of mobile communication technology, including TD-LTE and FDD-LTE. it is a better improvement of 3G technology. It has more advantages compared to 3G communication technology. It is the perfect combination of WLAN technology and 3G communication technology, which can make the image transmission faster.lte cat1 It makes the quality of the transmitted images and the images look clearer.The application of 4G communication technology in smart communication devices makes the internet faster for the users and the speed can be up to 100Mbps.

Difference between Cat.1 and 4G

Cat.1 belongs to the 4G family and can fully reuse existing 4G resources. Although the 4g module mainly uses Cat.4, and the download rate can reach 150m, most IoT scenarios do not require such a high rate. With the development of the mature 4G industry chain, Cat.1, as the low-end version of 4G, can be quickly brought to market with only a few changes to existing 4G products, reducing costs and reaching the industry's expected range.Cat.1 is the user terminal level configured with the lowest version parameters, allowing the industry to design low-end 4G terminals at low cost.

Of course, "low version" 4G terminals with Cat.1 play an important role in the industry. For example, some handset makers are considering using Cat.1 chips to release 4G smartphones for seniors, many of whom require only basic calls and data, and Cat.1 features support low-cost VoLTE and low-rate data, providing a new option for cell phone makers. However, Cat.1 may be even more important in the IoT space.

Compared to NB-IoT and 2G modules, Cat.1 offers advantages in terms of network coverage, speed and latency. Compared with traditional Cat.4 modules, it has the advantages of low cost and low power consumption. At the same time, Cat.1 is suitable for the current home 4G network, which is ideal for application scenarios that require cost-effectiveness, latency, coverage, and communication speed.

Cat.1 Development Prospects

During the study of intergenerational learning migration of cellular IoT technology connectivity, the original 2G/3G connectivity can only be carried out by NB-IoT and 4G. Among them, low frequency, small packet, low mobility, low latency sensitivity, high cost as well as sensitivity of the scenarios we can be carried out at the same time through the NB-IoT; medium rate, certain aspects of the requirements of latency and mobility, the voice and cost of supporting enterprises with a certain ability to withstand the work of the design of the program can choose to carry out through the Cat.1.

4GIoT connectivity has distinct structural characteristics, with Cat.1 being the branch of interest. Looking at the current trends in cellular IoT, the time has opened for Cat.1 to assume a major role in 4GIoT connectivity.

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Posted by: mthtyuy at 08:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 11, 2023

The 5 Dog Hoodies Cats Hate

Pet lovers! Are you tired of your cat refusing to wear a matching outfit with their doggie siblings? We've got the scoop on five dog hoodies that'll make your cat cringe. These will make your cat beg for mercy with tacky and dog hoodies for small dogsloud designs and harsh materials. Unleash the cattitude and tame those furballs!

Cattitude and Dog Hoodies Overview

Cats hate certain dog hoodies. Consider these factors when choosing a dog hoodie:

Hoodie material. Catsdog hoodies for small dogs like cotton and wool. Avoid polyester and nylon.

Hoodie color. Cats like black, gray, and white. Avoid reds and oranges.

Hoodie fit. Be sure the hoodie fits. It should hug yourdog hoodies for small dogs dog's chest and stomach without constricting.

Hoodie style. Cats like pullover sweaters and zip-up sweatshirts. Avoid overly trendy styles like embellished track jackets or graphic tees.

Cats Cringe at These 5 Dog Hoodies

Winter gear is worn as the weather cools. Our pets? Hoodies keep dogs warm. But dog hoodies vary. Some will make even grumpy cats cringe. Cats hate these five dog hoodies:

1. "I'm Good Boy" Hoodie

This hoodie features a cartoon puppy with a halo. Though cute, some cats can't handle it. This cuteness makes them scoff.

2. "I'm So Cozy" Hoodie

This hoodie features blanketed dogs. Some cats are frightened by its coziness. They don't understand why dogs need dog hoodies for small dogssuch warmth when they have fur coats.

3. "I Heart My Human" Hoodie

This hoodie says "I <3 my human" inside a big heart. Some cats find this nauseatingly sweet, others find it amusing. They'll cringe either way.

4. "Proud Parent" Hoodie

This hoodie features puppies.

Hooded plush blankets

Hooded dogs are adorable. Some hoodies will scare cats. Cats hate dog hoodies, from zip-ups to pullovers:

1. Hooded plush blankets: These cozy blankets with hoods make your pup look like a teddy bear. However, cats may fear the hood. However, if your cat and dog get along, this hoodie can be adorable when they snuggle.

2. Fleece-lined jackets: These stylish jackets will keepdog hoodies for small dogs your dog warm on chilly walks. The fleece lining may overwhelm some cats, who may not like being cozy indoors while their canine companion is bundled up outside.

3. Raincoats: Every adventurous dog needs a raincoat. Some have hoods! Most cats enjoy getting wet, but a dog in a raincoat can make them run for cover.

4. Hooded sweatshirts: Dogs love these fashion staples. They're also

Zippered Fleece Coats

Fleece-style zippered coats have some considerations. First, tighten the coat around the chest and waist so your dog can't escape. Second, choose a coat with a durable zipper. Finally, choose a bright coat for walks and escapes.

Fleece zippered coats are ideal for small to medium-sized dogs in cold weather. This coat fits snugly around the chest and waist to keep your dog from slipping out. Most fleece jackets have durable zippers. If your dog escapes, they're often pink or blue, making them easier to find.

Button-Down Flannel Jackets

Button-down flannel jackets have buttons down the front. They're functional but not fashionable. Cats probably think they're for lounging or yardwork, not for public display.

Trenchcoat Windbreakers

1. Trench Coat Style Windbreakers: These dog hoodies are perfect for rainy or chilly walks. They keep your dog dry and mobile. They also make your dog look hipster-chic.

Prints and Patterns (e.g. floral, camo)

A printed dog hoodie shows off your dog hoodies for small dogscattitude. Every mood and style has a print, from Camo to bold florals. Best of all, they'll scare your cats!

6 Cutest Dog Hoods

Hoodies make dogs even cuter! Dog hoodies vary in cuteness. Which ones are the cutest?

Our top picks:

1. The Classic Dog Hoodie: This simple and stylish hoodie is perfect for any pup and comes in many colors to suit any taste. It's warm and cozy for your dog all winter.

2. Cute Cupcake Dog Hoodie: Too cute! Pink, fluffy, and cupcake-covered. What's more?

3. Adorable Animal Hoodie: Perfect for animal lovers! It comes in several animal faces. You'll love a bear or bunny.

4. The Funny Face Dog Hoodie: Everyone will laugh! Its front face will make anyone laugh.

5. The Stylish Sweater Dog Hoodie: Fashion-forward dogs will love this sweater hoodie. You can choose from many colors and styles.

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Posted by: mthtyuy at 07:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 766 words, total size 6 kb.

August 13, 2021

Beauty and skin care have to be done from childhood to the details of life. 7 steps to daily use of skin care

Nowadays, many people are deceived Mioggi淚溝 by the external image, and most of them use thick foundation to cover the rough face.

What should I do if I want beauty and skin care products?

1. Be sure to pay attention to sun protection

When you go out, ultraviolet rays will make your skin age faster. Over time, without sunscreen, melanin will form on the face, spots and acne will appear, and the whole person will look much older. Therefore, sun protection is the most important at all times.

2. Sooner or later, you need to clean your skin

Clean the skin, help the skin to absorb well, and the pores will not block the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. Generally, do not wash your face with water during cleaning. Daytime cosmetics are put on your face. If you can't wash it off with water, you can use makeup remover to clean it.

3. It is important to protect your eyes

A person has to look into his own eyes regardless of whether there is a god or not, so it is particularly important to protect the eyes. Eyes are also the only exposed organs of the human body. Due to long-term intrusion from the external environment, they are inevitably the easiest to age. Sooner or later, you must take extra care of your eyes and choose eye cream products that are suitable for eye care, so that your eyes can get adequate nutrition.

4. Apply facial mask often

When we experience skin conditions and various social problems, we must apply more facial masks. Development over a period of time can help us improve the skin management problems of patients. If you are diligent, you can learn to apply it every day, so that the skin will not dry all day, and it will look soft and tender, which will help delay the aging of the skin and make the skin full of vitality.

5. Don't stay up late, go to bed and get up early

Good skin care is also inseparable from regular habits. As we all know, staying up late is undoubtedly harmful to the body and skin.

6. Exercise more

People who exercise regularly can activate body cells and accelerate the body's metabolism. Let the body's toxins be excreted with sweat, and the body's blood circulates up and down, which will promote the regeneration of new cells and the metabolism of old cells, so that the whole person will be vigorous, look much younger, and the skin will naturally improve.

7, morning and evening essence must be used

Many people don't use serums and use Mioggi淚溝 water and lotions directly. In fact, water and lotion only play a basic role in replenishing moisture. Most of the real nutrition is in the essence. If you use them frequently, you will find that many problems have disappeared.

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After five years of meticulous skin care, the conclusion is: these three knowledges must be understood! Easy and beautiful!

Posted by: mthtyuy at 06:54 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 539 words, total size 4 kb.

July 28, 2021

What is the difference between soy sauce, dark soy sauce and light soy sauce? Which one is suitable for cooking? Learn to cook more fragrant

As a long-term food blogger, one of the problems with many back-end private information is that when cooking, I don’t know how to use seasonings, especially soy sauce, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce. I don’t know the difference between these seasonings. So I use them at will when I cook. Usually, I just put soy sauce on it. But in fact, these three condiments are quite different. Different dishes use different seasonings to make delicious meals.

Let me talk about the similarities of these condiments first. The taste of these three condiments is heavy and salty. Most of their raw materials are fermented with soybeans and wheat. They are aromatic and not choking. They are essential condiments for our cooking most dishes. Let's take a look at the difference between these three condiments.

Two, different methods of use. The three seasonings are used in very different ways. Different foods are cooked with different seasonings, such as light soy sauce. We usually use light soy sauce to season our coleslaw, because the color of light soy sauce itself is relatively light and will not affect the color of the dishes. In addition to its saltiness, it is easy to season when it is put together. And the old soy sauce is more suitable for some stew, because the meat has no color when it is cooked. When finished, the color becomes white and it looks tasteless. At this time, if you add old soy sauce to adjust 同珍王賜豪 the color, the resulting meat looks very attractive in color, and contains caramel in your own soy sauce, which also improves the taste of the meat. Soy sauce is a common use for stir-fry and stew. For example, we like to make some garlic stir-fry, lettuce stir-fry, etc. These can be added to soy sauce cooking, and the methods used are more extensive.

In addition, when we cook some steamed vegetables, we also use a kind of soy sauce, which is steamed fish soy sauce and seasoned chicken. Usually we rarely use soy sauce and soy sauce to cook steamed vegetables, the taste will be more red, and the taste is extremely fresh, steamed fish soy sauce is based on soy sauce, adding some condiments to make it taste better. So when cooking this kind of steamed vegetables, it will 同珍王賜豪 be better. if there is not,

After distinguishing the different uses of these three seasonings, it will be very easy to choose them for cooking in the future. No more mistakes. In addition, good condiments should be placed in a cool and ventilated place, and should never be placed in raw water in a closed place. The opened condiments will deteriorate, and the opened condiments will be used up in the shortest time. If you don’t cook enough rice, try to buy small bottles of condiments, and don’t buy too big an opened bucket, because once opened, its shelf life will be much shorter.

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Posted by: mthtyuy at 08:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 602 words, total size 4 kb.

July 19, 2021

Why do I have to do an ECG twice

There was a patient who spoke very interestingly today. He is not very old, 62 years old, has a good lifestyle, and has quit smoking and drinking for more than ten years. However, I have been taking antihypertensive drugs for more than ten years with high blood pressure. He is a gardener, because he needs to water the greenery, he has been up very early in the last few days, and he has got up at two or three in the morning. Also in the last few days, I started to experience the sensation of ventilating my heart, which lasted for more than an hour for a long time, and a short ten minutes.

I asked the patient if he had any feelings in his heart when climbing the stairs, and he replied: I got up by the elevator! Also a very real comrade...

Then I asked him to do an electrocardiogram, which showed that there was nothing abnormal, so I asked him to do another stress ecg. He asked: Why do I have to do an ECG twice? Is there any difference? This is also a question that many patients are curious about.

It's like this: Many patients with coronary heart disease have a normal ECG when they are calm. In other words, when they are calm, the blood supply of the heart can meet their own needs. During a certain intensity of exercise, the heart's blood supply is insufficient, and the ECG will be An electrocardiogram with ischemia-like changes appears, and even the patient has symptoms similar to the disease at the same time. Therefore, although the ECG is a very important diagnostic method, only a static ECG can not rule out coronary heart disease if it is normal!

So what is stress ecg? As the name suggests, it is when you exercise (there are programs such as stepping, cycling, running, etc., there are standard exercise programs, exercise end points, etc.) to give you an electrocardiogram, mainly to observe the changes in the electrocardiogram during exercise. Then through exercise, you can cause your underlying myocardial blood supply shortage!

If the stress ecg is not abnormal, the possibility and risk of coronary heart disease is greatly reduced.

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Posted by: mthtyuy at 01:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 10, 2020


川西是一個精神的地方,那裏的湖泊是純淨的,純淨的,寧靜 ,深。 我覺得看看川西湖會有所幫助,如果只是看看的話







Posted by: mthtyuy at 06:03 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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